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Fiction Corner

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Della is the Dolphin, the beauty of nature. She is determined and earnest to find a home for herself and her family. Is she able to find a home for herself? How does Della meet Duke? Does Duke help Della? All these questions can be answered only if you read this splendid dolphin tale, the first book in my series, "Splendid Animal Tales".

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Wizgin is a cute, little sweet soul. She is the curious girl who motivates and harbingers the Adventure into the Valley of the Dwarfs. Her near and dear mates are Diana and Ranjo while she has some elder wonderful and helpful companions too in this magical trip!
What makes Wizgin take up this seemingly unexpected and difficult adventure? How does she convince everyone to follow her unrealistic dreams? What is the joy of the journey? What is the fruit of painstaking trip? Does Wizgin successfully makes all her pipe dreams  and castles in the air come true or they vanish somewhere?
I know that is the question you are at present casting about. Wizgin's odyssey is truly worthwhile to be read and perused. Flipping through will become your delightful cue!

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